Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Our home is still in Advent Advent, and will switch over to Advent on the first, but I have enjoyed the beginnings of the season as friends begin their own writing and note-making.
If I was a candle-lighter, I would know what the candle is for tonight, and would probably have a lot to say about it.  But since we are choosing a flame-free celebration this year and we missed church due to cough and cold, I'm out of the loop. Happily, two friends mentioned Light in blogs and on facebook so I at least have a theme, if not the right candle.

I like Light - I like that darkness is only the absence of Light, and yet somehow darkness is required for us to notice Light. I like that Leonard Cohen lyric about how there's a crack, a crack in everything; that's how the Light gets in.

But today I found myself thinking of the other Light that we're promised by Jesus:  the kind of light that means 'not heavy'.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is Light.  (Matthew 11:28 - 30)

My friend Karen is retarded.  I mean that in the kindest, most accurate-use-of-word way.  However, somehow her reading about Advent Advent got her doing and planning More.  Even though I know, know, I said the point of Advent Advent was Less. Now, in fairness, she is extremely capable. She does more because she can. But of course, just because you can, doesn't mean you should.  A lesson she has yet to learn. That she's slow to learn.  S-L-O-W.

What I know she does know though, is that the problem with More is that More becomes heavy.  It weighs us down, slows us up - it becomes a burden. Part of the discipline of Less at Advent Advent (and presumably through Regular Advent) is a self-reminder of the promise that this journey is meant to be Light.  The awesomeness of this discovery for me today was that the pain of the holidays is all the More:  more money, more errands, more food, more work, more family. The pain of it though is required I guess, for us to know more deeply how desperate we need the Saviour who arrives with the promise of Less.

As we ease into Advent, I like remembering that the darkness and the more are difficult, but necessary for the Light, the Less to be known.

I guess that means that Karen may be slow, but probably she'll see and feel the Light all the more keenly. Maybe not so slow after all...


Nadia said...

Hope....listen for hope this week.

Karen Haugland said...

I would be insulted . . .if I didn't know you love me.

Honestly I'm looking for less. Less Store bought Hallmark. More Family and Light. I'm just working hard to open up those cracks, so they are giant windows to let in the light of Family time.

It's Passion. I have passion. In life. And I want to try it all. I want to try every little last thing and know that I can do it. Some days it's overwhelming because there is SO MUCH life to live. I want to fit it all in. I will try to slow it down and spread it out over the rest of my life.

I will try not to be so Retarded.

ACJ said...

Indeed I do love you sweet friend. I think there is a secret way to get More when we finally accept Less, but I'm not exactly sure how it works.

Until then, I will keep whispering (or publicly shaming you into) "Less" if you promise to keep inspiring me to believe that there is in fact, a tiny bit more...