Saturday, November 13, 2010

Back In The Saddle

Last night was Pad Thai at Pearson International in Toronto.  I ate it reading Real Simple magazine in Terminal 1, waiting for my flight home to board.

I am now home after six days of visiting and rest and I truly do feel renewed. I wrote in my journal (long-hand!) on the way home, that it felt like back-to-school or whatever other time of life that happens when you find yourself inspired and willing to Start New.  I wrote a list of things I could do that would be new and would remind me that I could have fresh starts every once in a while.

And this morning, I tried a few.  I didn't turn on any noise, no radio or TV, all morning.  I didn't check my email or facebook until breakfast was over and cleaned up, and when I was done, I turned the computer off. I took the kids outside, even though they didn't want to and had the happy pleasure of bumping into a neighbour who invited us in for play and coffee.  I made lunch and cleaned up before I made space for writing here and talking on the phone with a friend.

Oddly enough, it felt all new.  I paid closer attention to my children.  I did the small things that keep our house in order(ish) and keep me from feeling discontent and un-grateful in this home. It was kind of nice.

I know myself well enough to know that all the Start New-ness of today won't linger for much longer but that it existed beyond the idea of it is a gift today.  Truly a gift.  Again.