Monday, November 22, 2010

Down Time

One perk to marrying a firefighter is having two nights alone every week. Of course, this means having to feed and bed two children on my own two nights a week, but it also means being able to have the same dinner two nights in a row and sitting in a toque, scarf and puffy slippers watching trashy TV without anyone interupting to you know, relate.

I always think that I will do my deep thinking on these nights.  Catch up on my particularly intense wonderings about the meaning of life. And maybe do my nails.  But here it is, 11pm on night one and I've got nothing done except some extreme facebooking and craigslist browsing (Dear Universe, please let the woman with the trains email me back).

Maybe tomorrow night?

1 comment:

Nadia said...

Deep thinking is overrated. Hot drinks, comfy clothes, a laptop and trashy tv is therapy.