Friday, February 04, 2011

Day One

As I've mentioned, there is more than one person in my life who is currently facing Holy Hell I Hope Not. Today the list got added to by one.  So be it.

But it has me thinking about how the Big Moments never arrive that way. How you kind of have to look back in time to find the spot where Life Changed and how you didn't really know it at the time. How regular everything was at the beginning of it becoming terrible. 

Because there is no for sure that it will turn out terrible.  Fear dances with Hope at the beginning and it's not altogether clear who's leading. And it makes me think that in the daily living of life, the value of practicing Hope is that when Day One of HHIHN arrives, a person is so well-practiced at Hope that there is plenty of room for Probably Not and If So, We'll Do That Too.  Because Hope has become big enough for whatever journey is ahead.

I think at least two of my HHIHN people are good Hopers and their initial peace and good humour in these early days of wondering speaks to their previous practice of looking for the All Is Well through the mundane and regular. 

I'm glad I got to learn from them. 

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