Thursday, April 11, 2013


I read this post about simple living earlier this week. It has lingered so now I have to get it out of my system.

The idea that living simply isn't simply living with less on less, but is a state of heart really grabbed this complicated heart.

It may not have escaped your attention that this brain likes to travel in long, lingery, meandering, crossing-over-themselves circles.  Kind of a sweet, complicated pattern with lots of winding diversions and mixed up metaphors. I am hard-pressed to think of a single thing I approach in a straight line. Or simply.

I'm not convinced that a person can reshape a brain or a heart. But if a person can, this person would consider choosing a simpler shape. Maybe a Venn diagram with only 3 circles instead of 17.

Here's what I think sounds lovely, or simpler:

With regards to parenting:  I love my kids and they love me and we can find a way to do whatever is required in this life.

With regards to marriage:  I love that boy down to my soul/sole and we're better together than we ever were or would be apart.

With regards to faith: There is a God who loves me and knows what I need.

With regards to a good life:  Love God. Love my neighbours. Nothing else matters.

With regards to money:   I don't know about this one. It's still complicated because I can't live how I want there.  Yet. I'm open to submissions on this one.

With regards to work:  I'll do my best when I'm doing it and lay it down when I'm not.

If I was arty, I'd turn this into a wall-hanging or something.  Something simple like that.

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