Monday, April 15, 2013


When extra terrible happens, we all want to be each others neighbours, don't we? Every local news network tries to track down someone from here who was all the way over there, so that we can connect ourselves to it. I have been cynically down on this for a long time, believing it's borne of an egoism that requires each self to be at the centre of the world's attention at all time.

Today, I'm wondering more about the neighbour part. I'm wondering more about how we are born, created by the Creator, knit together in our mothers' wombs, designed to love our neighbours as ourselves. We are built to do the Let Me Carry That kind of love for each other, and when we know that people have suddenly been asked to bear the unbearable, we want to pick some of it up. 

Strangers in Boston got their world blown up today, and their fear is one we are afraid of knowing first-hand. But their suffering is televised for us all to see and our created selves long to ease it, to ease by picking part of it up and making it our own.

Kind of like Jesus did.

Maybe we're not all self-centered assholes afterall.

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