Thursday, April 04, 2013


My nails are too long. This is not a difficult problem to solve, and yet, here I am at least three days bothered, having done nothing to change this troublesome state of affairs.

The metaphor is a bit too obvious, isn't it?

Sometimes in this life, the lazy is just bigger than the problem, you know? This week, I think almost everything in my life falls under this category. Happily, I read on my twitter feed that Bill Gates gets lazy people to do the hardest jobs because they will find the easiest ways to do them. I'm not sure if it's true (I'm too lazy to fact-check) but I'm going to spend the day believing it. Finding the good hiding in the not-so-great is one of life's sweetest things, right?

And with that, I'm off to make a list of things to do when my lazy eases.  I'll put "write a bit" on the list, just so that I can cross it off.

I'm like that.

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