Monday, November 05, 2012


I've spent the morning begging the God I love to make what is not possible Possible. It requires my brain to bend in a direction that kind of hurts a bit.  On the one hand, I need things to be other than they are and there is no way that they can be other than they are short of a supernatural intervention. On the other hand, it is not possible for things to be other than they are so why set up God to let me down? Why ask for what one can not have? Is it not better and wiser and more strategic to ask for what will be, or at least to want what will be? Of course it is. 

And yet my heart begs.  All morning, beseeching and nagging and murmuring. Because it turns out that if the Bible is to be believed, the Creator of All Things does a side business in the Not Possible and has been known to intervene. Or has at least been given credit for intervening.

Oh, heart, what to believe?

Only that if what is not possible becomes what happens, it will be to God's Glory as all of creation is intended to be.  And if what is possible and so not wanted is what remains, then that too is apparently going to be to God's Glory and my heart will find a way to be thankful still.

And so I will keep on with my beseeching and nagging and murmuring, all the while holding the outcome loosely.

Oh hope, what a tricky journey this is...

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