Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chickens are Always Funny

I have never had the above proven wrong.  Ever.  If a person knows to include chickens at the beginning, I know they're going to be funny my-people people.

Apparently, my recent spate of pasting have been a tad... bleak? dark? heavy? Things aren't as bad as I've made them seem though. I mean, they were terrible for a few days there, but not Send-Drugs-and-Ham bad.  Just regular, too-bad-about-all-that-estrogen bad. 

So tonight, as I try to keep up this new discipline up, in lieu of me, I give you some of my favourite writing in a long while.  My friend Laura sent it today, and it made me laugh and then groan with envy that I didn't write it myself.

Nope, not failing here.

1 comment:

Nadia said...

So great. Love that post.