Sunday, September 11, 2011


Maybe I'll be starting up a regular blog schedule again.

Maybe I'll forgive God for letting me get all messed up by the Kienan Hebert kidnapping and the implications for a person who prays.

Maybe I'll get over not being allowed to take water through an airport screening because of the industry of fear that grew up in the aftermath of events of September 11th, 2001.

Maybe I'll decide whether or not this year is the year I go well beyond what is comfortable.

Maybe I'll wake up un-anxious about taking TBird to preschool tomorrow.

Maybe I'll find in my a graciousness for those flawed souls I have been asked to love but with whom I feel too comfortable only being impatient and judgey.


1 comment:

Nadia said...

How did the first day go? Did you well up? Just wait till kindergarten...

I'm all for you getting into a blogging rhythm!