Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Way You Should Go

And by "you", of course, I mean Me.

At some point a person might start to believe there is just One Way To Go.  That person might spend some (or most) of his or her youth trying to "discern" That Way, might think that if they were to pray long enough, or fast often enough, or just have really kick-ass morning devotions enough, or hell, even move far away enough to serve the poor enough, that The Way might make itself known.

Eventually, if Grace and Mercy show up as they are wont to do, that person will figure out that when Jesus said that thing about being The Way, that was kind of all there was to it.  The rest is details.

Sadly, that same person might, from time to time, forget that part.

That person might start reading great writers, or watching great lives, or hearing great words and might start to wonder if maybe there isn't a better way to do The Way than the way they're doing it. They might start to add several ways to the way they've been doing things to make their own way look a little more Right Way. But if they do that for too long that they eventually find themselves sure that there is No Way At All.

But there is A Way and I think I'm glad that this person remembered that fixing their eyes on The Way is the best way.

Maybe my only way.

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