Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Best. So?

I am really trying to remember that people are doing their best.

I mean, except for me.  For the most part, I'd say I'm doing about 78% of my best.  Sometimes more, sometimes less, but I figure it averages out to a mid-B grade.

But everyone else out there - the ones doing it wrong, doing it slowly, doing it backwards, doing it gratingly poorly - they're really doing their best I think.  And if they're not doing their best, they're probably not sub-performing just to wreck my day.  Probably they're just over-tired or underpaid or recently off the phone with a life partner who chose the wrong bread.

Maybe one or two are out to get me.

But most of the world? Just doing their best.

Too bad this doesn't make me any less annoyed with them all.


Denise said...

I love your use of words and your experience of an ordinary day. Thanks.

Darren said...

Here's a thought which I sometimes find comforting, and sometimes find worrying:

Think of somebody you know who is average at their job. Then consider that half of all their fellow workers are worse than them.