Monday, January 03, 2011


I bought goats' milk at Thrifty's yesterday.  I got home and went to put it away and realized the expiry date was the next day, today.  Argh.

Tonight, I got in the car and drove all the way down and took my milk to the customer service desk, where three employees stood talking.  As soon as I approached, they all turned to face me and the elder said, "How can we help you?"  I explained my dilemma and asked if I could perhaps exchange for a fresher container.  "Of course. That shouldn't have been on the shelf" said the first.  "Can I go get you another?" said the next, and off he went to fetch fresh dairy.


I expect that it will be exchanged because really, that's the right thing to do.  But I also expect that it will be difficult and annoying and that someone will imply that I'm a moron with unusually high expectations of a store.

Thrifty's is probably 15% more expensive than ye olde Superstore where I most often shop. But man, I'm pretty sure it's worth it to me to be surprised.  At least on the weeks I feel rich, it is.

Of course, this whole post also makes me feel about 78.


Karen Haugland said...

I like this and wholeheartedly agree. I was also getting tired of telling the deli staff at PriceSmart which one was the black forest ham. Seriously.

10% off at Safeway today too.

Sarah said...

I felt the EXACT same way when I was at Kinko's, needing to make big color copies of a thingie, and not having any idea how to operate such a machine (much less do what I needed to do in the small amount of time before I had to pick up my kids) and suddenly, a member of the usually aloof and unhelpful, harried staff appeared at my side, offering help. That skinny, mouse-faced Kinko's guy was my little angel. :)