Friday, January 07, 2011

Prove It

I totally believe in jinxing.  I do. I don't know why I forget that I do.  I'm dumb that way.

I guess in my heart, I knew that when I wrote yesterday's post, I was tempting the jinxing gods.  And yet, it had to be written so you know, what could I do? post. That's what I did.

And sure enough, our car broke down. As I limped our vehicle down to the repair shop, I could hear the universe whispering, "So. How rich are ya feeling now?"  As I signed away permission for the surly service guy to do whatever he felt was right, a suprisingly loud voice said "Yep, good thing you're so rich."

For a bit there, I considered caving.  But then I remembered that I still believed what I believed yesterday. That our affluence isn't so much in our cash flow, but in our capacity to absorb surprises, get help, make do and get through.  And that we still have in spades.  The kids were with my mom, I could borrow my dad's car, the car seats are easy to move around and we live in a central part of the world where nothing we need is so far away that we couldn't get it if we needed it.

So screw you Jinxing Guy. This time, I'm holding out. I realize this is terribly dangerous and things could get a lot worse, petty jinxing guy that you are.  But I think I'm going to believe that Jesus trumps Jinxing Guy.  At least for the next twelve hours or so.


JennOh said...

Oh dear. Our car died as well - on Monday after I had put in some pretty darn good effort getting four children in the car. And then we had to fly to Calgary for a funeral the next day. And then I took it in yesterday and took four children in a taxi to get a rental car so that I wouldn't be without it for our appointments in the afternoon. And then the car was fixed and ready at 1 pm. And then I picked it up this morning and they didn't clean it. I was counting on that perk. And then they said I could come back and get it cleaned anytime - with children in tow, yah right. And every thing that I've just described that costs money is on our visa along with our Christmas spending. Yup. Feeling pretty rich here too.

Karen Haugland said...

I have two comments:
One, by now you really outta know to NEVER, EVER declare any financial comfort WHATSOEVER within a 100 yard radius of your vehicle. Never, ever do it.
Two: and this goes back to yesterday actually . . . the thing about the wealth and comfort that you and I have become used to, have taken for granted and actually often feel is nowhere near enough is that it affords us the ability to see what we DON'T have.
Like if we had nothing, could not afford cable, cell phones, vehicles or computers with internet - but we had a job/ability that afforded us food, warm clothing and family we might be exstatic and grateful because we wouldn't know there were such time wasters as "Angry Birds or Bejewelled Blitz". We might have heard of white sandy beaches, read in a book somewhere, but we wouldn't have seen it, heard it or had friends who experienced it and made us want to also.

Fortune has the cost of dissatisfaction.

I cannot be reminded enough of how lucky I am and how inconsequential it all really is. Thank you.

Nadia said...

I was desperately trying to find the Hyberbole and Half post about jinxing...but of course I couldn't.

Sorry to hear about your car. But I do want to hear about this glamourous trip you are taking!

ACJ said...

@Jenn, next time please phone me and I will help you think of a solution that does not involve four boys and a taxi.
@Karen, are you saying I should give up our TV and internet? What would happen to the Canucks?!
@Mamabear, see - we're heading back! Same crew, same place, higher hopes, lower expectations...