Saturday, January 08, 2011

Love Languages

Today I reorganized a few of our kitchen cupboards. I threw out spices that pre-dated our marriage, conceded that we probably wouldn't ever make use of the mini-baster and made room for some new glassware. It may be the highlight of my year.

Glowing with the success of it all, I summoned my beloved over to marvel at my marvelous-ness. I opened drawer number one and showed him the glory of sorted measuring spoons and Kitchen Aid attachments;  he slipped his arm around me and started to nuzzle my neck.

It is at moments like these that I realize that men and women were not intended to live together. Full time.  Probably we are better suited to more short-term meet-and-greets.

I slammed his arms away and shouted (yes, shouted) "God dammit! No! My love language is WORDS OF AFFIRMATION! Yours is touch. Not. Mine."  Wisely, he laughed and asked for a do-over, so I closed the drawer and then dramatically reopened it, at which point he said most sincerely, "That looks great. Thank you so much for putting so much time into this. I feel better already. Thanks."  I said, "You're welcome" and walked away, still kind of irked.  If you weren't clear before now, be clear: he is the better person in our marriage most days.

So obviously, he left for work and I dwelled (dwelt?) on this most of the night. Not so much the specific situation but the relentless work of sharing life with someone who needs almost the opposite of what I do to feel loved. And then I caught myself wondering, but what's God's love language? Is the Creator of All a sucker for Receiving Gifts? And aren't we all kind of screwed if it's Physical Touch? I may be up all night worrying about this.

I'm not sure what the answer is, but I think I decided I was glad that the Father knows that my own preference is affirmation with a sprinkling of quality time. I'm pretty sure I heard, "Drawers look great!" while we were watching the hockey game tonight...

PS:  Do you know how hard it is to avoid the male pronoun for God? I'm not passionate about it and obviously use male-centric labels and names often. But it bugs me and I wish it wasn't so hard.

PPS: Do you know how annoying spell check is when you make up as many words as I do?


Nadia said...

You gotta read this post and maybe this of the few women on the top 100 blog list!

This post is about every man's dream! Dumb Christians.

ACJ said...

Oh my goodness. I may love her too much. That was the awesomeness. Nice find.

JennOh said...

I laughed out loud.

Nadia said...

I know right?!!?? Sheer goodness.