Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm Happy!

I promise! I'm happy in the sun and the surf and with all my people.  I really, truly am.  And in my whole life, in my regular, day-to-day, folding the laundry life, I'm happy then too.

My friend who is getting suntanned near me all the time this week said that sometimes she wonders if people who were to read this blog but didn't know me would maybe wonder if I'm okay, or think that maybe I'm only a leaner-to-the-dark-sider. And last week I found out that a distant relative type person had read the blog since it transitioned from baby book to... this, had phoned around to make sure my children were safe.  Or at least that I was well.

Anyway, for a few minutes I wondered if I should start trying for more sunshine.  Then I remembered the part where I believe in the jinxing and think that if I started typing sunshine, said sunshine would be taken away.  Sure it's nutty to write the dark side merely to protect the sunshine but truly, the world is full of crazier than this and I can live with it.

But for the record, I'm happy!  Really, really, happy.

And now back to me.

Just to say this.  One thing that I am noticing is that vacations and Advent have this in common: I have high expectations.  And this too: they get dashed.  It turns out, as you may have noticed, that there is no vacation from my crazy.  Nor is there vacation from my being unduly mean to my husband, from my children being subpar sharers or from my fear of jinxing.

But nor is there a holiday from good friends who say things like, "Enjoy your sabbath." Who remind me that there is more than my crazy to consider. There is no holiday from the husband who squeezes my shoulders at the right moment, from children who delight in Summer! Right now! Summer!

Oh holiday. I'm enjoying you.


The Crawford's said...

My main point is - people that don't know you are missing out and people that don't read your blog are missing out. I like that I know both! I like that you aren't going to go all sunshiney...- but lets enjoy the sunshine in Hawaii instead!

Denise said...

All of it -- well spoken. I'm with Chelsea -- the ones who do not know you are the ones missing out.

Love it, mourn it -- all of your perspectives on it are welcomed.


Katie P. said...

I love your real-ness. Your ability to celebrate the good and admit the bad is one of the greatest things about you!