Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A blogger I read posted today about measures she is taking to protect the identities of her family, as well as shield the more pertinent details of her life (ie place of residence, favourite restaurants, local haunts) from any kooks out there who might be a bit more interested than they ought to be.

I hate it when people I admire do things that I have decided to pretend ought not to be done.

Protecting my privacy is not in my nature. I have very few thoughts that I don't share with someone. In fact, I'd be surprised to find out I have any unsaid thoughts. To write a few down and make them available to the world seems hardly dangerous: a person could probably figure out my life-story and PIN code if they eavesdropped on me waiting in line for the bathroom. I post photos of my children here and on facebook with their names and it wouldn't take Stephen Hawking to deduce their full names and birthdates with a little back and forth and checking of the archives. They'll have me to blame when they apply to university and find out they're already there in the person of a 54 year-old russian spy.

Probably being cavalier about this isn't wise. I did search my name in all its variations and it does not link to my blog at all. I also searched all four of our first names and our hometown and again, no link to the blog. Since the kids' birthdays are only on the blog and their names are on FB but not with middle names, I've decided to call us safe.

I realize I'm probably lying to myself, and to my future credit-declined children, I apologize.

To everyone else, should I be more worried about confessing to being a judgmental meany and a terrible wife so publicly? I could go back to blogging holiday highlights....


Sarah said...

Hello! How the heck do I sign up to receive your blog updates? Or maybe there's no "subscribe" option?

Love your posts (just read three or four; now have to go find something for my children to eat for dinner). Thanks for all of your encouragement and support. You really are a stinkin' great writer. If there's a way to subscribe, please let me know. If not, I'll keep checking back. :)

(I think we'd be friends.)
:) Sarah Callender (inside-out underpants)

ACJ said...

Sarah, you're so nice, visiting and all and then even leaving kind words. I am trying not to hope too much that we'd be friends in case we ever meet and you blow me off... you know, don't answer your glass door or something. :)

I think there is a way to "follow" a blog here, but I'm not really sure how to do it. I just know I have one follower out there - maybe she'll read this and tell us how she did it?

Thank you again for your kind comments - day making for certain.

Nadia said...

I cheat and I have added you to my blogroll. That way, when I open up to my own blog, if you've posted your title jumps to the top of the list.

I won't lie, when Shallow Abyss and Inside out underpants are at the top, I get a little excited!

Nadia said...

Or you could just add the gadget "subscribe"

Sarah said...

Oh good . . . thanks, mamabear for the scoop. As I'm an idiot with the tech part of the blog, I need a big tutorial. I'll see if I can yours and The Shallow Abyss to my blog roll.

I will never blow you off if you come knocking at my door. Just use the secret password: slightly crazy mom-blogger. Does that work?