Tuesday, October 10, 2006

There is Only One Shoe

A person can't go wrong quoting Anne Lamott - a comment that God only has one shoe is so good and helpful. I'm trying to be braver about remembering that I am not a person to whom only bad things happen, also a good reminder.

I had a good chat with Katie yesterday afternoon, and we decided that it is unlikely that I will get to the point where it is all good news and I'm blissful and happy and stenciling the nursery. But I can be uneqivocally excited about going to Hawaii in December, so maybe keeping my mind there when it wants to stray to death and mayhem is more possible. So for the last 24 hours, I've been practicing saying "I'm excited to go to Hawaii" anytime I'm tempted to despair about the hopelessness of it all. Oddly, it works.

Apparently, ginger tea also works. I am beginning to feel nauseous more often, though hardly enough to make the big leagues of morning sickness lore. This morning was a bit touch and go getting ready for work, but by the time I got to the bus with my mini-wheats and water things were looking up. However, by lunch time it was not so rosy in these parts but happily I tripped across a box of abandoned ginger tea, and it has taken the edge off. Now if only I could keep my head off my desk for the afternoon...

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