Thursday, October 05, 2006

So Sleepy

That's really all there is for this post. Just that I am very sleepy today and seem to be getting more so. That could just be regular living sleepy, or it could be waking up before 5am every morning sleepy or it could be ... well it could be that other thing that we still don't talk about that often.

We've got 2 family dinners this weekend and while I'm quite sure no one will comment on my non-alcoholic beverage choices at the Sanguinetti's, I'm equally sure that it will be of equal import at the Johnson family gathering as showing up less an arm. I've developed a bit of a ... reputation?

Oh dear. Such a nice problem to have.


1 comment:

HSA said...

Thanks for this space ACJ, you are brave.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop is buying into the lie. It is believing that you are the person to whom bad things always happen. That is not your identity, you only think it is. Don't wait for the other shoe in your attempt to avoid disappointment or pain.
God only has one shoe.
This is what Anne Lamott says anyway. Hang on to hope my friends, and rejoice in good-ness, for it is the only shoe God has.