Thursday, December 09, 2010

I'm a People Person!

Sometimes I forget the basics.

According to just about every who-are-you test known to man, I am an Extrovert.  I am one who derives energy from connecting with people.  I know many (most?) of my favourite people are Introverts who oddly, derive most of their energy from alone-time.  How we manage to find each other is one of life's great mysteries, but what this means is that I get all better being with them, while managing to wear them out. Weird huh?

So, not surprisingly, the last 10 days or so have worn me out.  I was in fairly full-blown depression and anxiety and could not figure out how I could have plummeted so quickly and without any obvious trigger, you know, like a bad thing happening.

Then tonight I got the invitation to JOh's for some mom talk and tea and my soul leapt! and off I went to sit and be with people! And I was healed. How did I forget that part? Where being home with just my people for almost seven days straight is really, really bad for me? Lord, that sounds terrible.  But it is just terribly true - my self needs other selves.  Oh bliss! Oh wonder! Oh... people.

I should be honest, and confess that I am not all the way healed.  There is much anxiety still lingering but it feels appropriate and probably necessary given what life is bringing.  But I remembered that part of the cure is connecting and that reminded me of the other things that help and so tonight, there is Light.

Praise be. Again.

1 comment:

Navigating Madre said...

you inspired a blog. he he.