Sunday, December 05, 2010

Day Five

I don't have a lot to say tonight. I'm a bit wrung out: the Canucks' game with Karen ended in a loss that I can only assume was my fault, and I had to undo the Crap Theology/Family of Origin Shitmix that had taken over my life. Or at least part of it. 

This is where the wisdom of collecting good friends pays off.  One, Karen took me to a hockey game which is amazing and wonderful and proof that The Lord Loves Me Best. Well, that and the awesome Christmas sweaters she bought for the kids. Two, Heidi sent the following and now I'm going to post it and call it a blog entry.  I may tape it to my bathroom mirror for the rest of the year to remember Truth.  And maybe even live there.

I really know in my heart that Christmas isn't about love! joy! cheery! peace! etc.  It really is about a baby, born in a barn to backwoods parents.  Some smelly animals, some dirty, lewd and drunk shepherds show up, some weirdo astrologers show up, angels sing - but who really saw or heard them?  Christmas isn't about choirs, carolling, snow and good feelings.  It's just about remembering  - mostly remembering pain, loneliness and heartache.  A mother who raised her baby and then watched him be murdered, without really understanding what it was all for.  She just had some faith and kept going.  God-with-us is exactly that.  With us in family pain, in our all- too-real sense that things are not as they should be, in our railing against reality.  That's why he came.

I know, right?

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