Saturday, May 26, 2007

This Is What Ready Looks Like

It's not easy to see in this photo, but at 39 weeks plus a day, I have become large-necked. Well, large-lots-of-things, but the large neck is the most upsetting of late. I'm really hoping that it's just fluid, but really, where in your neck would fluid go?? oh well, so far the cankles are holding off, so all's not lost.

In the meantime, I'm about done with the little make-work tasks of these last days (weeks?) before the Bean arrives. I've become a bit weepy and tired, and convinced that in fact, this child is staying in here forever. It's very hard to imagine it leaving really. But it is getting big - when it moves now, my organs shift. I'm pretty sure I was pushing my kidneys back in the other night in bed. Kind of low, below my ribs in the back?? I figure the kid is about 2 feet long by now, seems to weigh about 13 pounds... I held a friend's 7 pounder on Thursday, and realized my belly weighs a LOT more than she does. Can't be a good sign.

Yes, all my talk just a week ago, about not being desperate to end this... well, that phase has passed. I would not say I'm desperate - just ... ready? I mean, clearly, so NOT ready in many ways (see photo below), but ready in the, "It would be good to see you in the flesh" kind of way.

Yesterday my husband sent me home from errands with the caveat that I stop for a pedicure and then go home and take a nap. He stopped on his way home and bought us a glider I've been coveting. I woke up from my nap and there it was. You will see it in the baby's room, next to the basinette (thank you Heidi). SO lovely and wonderful. You may also notice the chaos in the corners of the room. The photos not hung, the baby gear tossed to the side... that would be the not ready part I was mentioning above. But the glider is ready. The sweet husband who makes sure the toes are ready is ready. My kidneys are ready.

Hopefully the Bean is ready.

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