Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Where does your help come from?

Mine comes from the Maker of Heaven, Creator of the Earth.

It is helpful to believe that said Maker and Creator lurks in the heart of (wo)men - I have made a habit of collecting help from whoever is willing to offer it.

Of course, it's also helpful to believe that there is a Maker and Creator, that there is a Heaven and an Earth. More than half the time, believing those things is help enough. When it isn't, it is a help-start and it is not usually long before the rest of the help shows up, one way of the other.

I like using words like Maker and Creator. Even the word "God" is a bit loaded for me nowadays. I have several indigenous voices in my world that use Maker and Creator, and my yogi friend has used Creator once or twice I think.  I like sharing some language with people outside my own circle - it is a concrete, verbal reminder that my own words aren't definitive or adequate. I am always looking for words that count more people in the story, as many people as we can squeeze in.

Heaven is a tricky one of course - I should probably find an alternate one of these days. But inasmuch as I need a word for all that we can not see, Heaven serves me well. Earth is under my feet, my sole word. Heaven is everywhere else, my soul word.

I've got good help I guess is what I'm trying to say.

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