Sunday, December 16, 2012

Advent 15

So, I wrote down the wrong verses for today and I know they come again at the right time in a few days, so I'm leaving today blank on the Bible front.

On the activity front though, this.  Our mortgage broker hosted a Movie Morning at the local theatre, a showing of "The Polar Express" that included popcorn and drinks and treats and candy canes and Mrs. Claus and Santa Claus and elves.  So today's activity was Movies!

The movie is terrible. Terrifying and wholly unsuitable for small children. Possibly for all children. I'm hard-pressed to think of a good thing to say about it actually.

But the going? The treating? The giving? That part had me weepy in the theatre,as we waited for the lights to go down. Karen, our broker, could have sent a card. Had all the kids in the office sign it. If she'd been feeling oddly generous, she might have arranged a discount for customers or something.

But this Christmas, she spent considerable money and effort and created a memory moment for my family.  For any family she knew that wanted to take two hours out of this month of Busy and Too Much, she offered a dark theatre and a holiday tradition-in-the-making. I don't know why I took it so personally, but I did and felt like it was a gift thought up just for me.

As we sat in the almost-dark waiting for the lights to dim, The Light of the moment warmed me and I am so grateful.  So deeply grateful.


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