Sunday, March 15, 2009


Poor kid - I ran out of memory on our camera and have no new photos to post but thought I should at least make a note of his great strides and development.

He is lying on his playmat as I speak, punching at the toys hanging over him. This seems like the beginning of training his hands to follow his brain. Earlier today in the nursery at church, he rolled over front to back. Like Talia, this looks mostly like falling to the side and ending up on his back due to the laws of physics and gravity but whatever - we're calling it rolling over, one day shy of three months. His sister was three and a half months old before she figured this out. Finally, he's first!

My son is a delight. He remains pretty mellow and easy going. He is a snappy dresser thanks to many generous friends who are passing along clothes. He sleeps like a baby, up once or twice a night which is manageable in a general sense but of course terrible in a specific, "I have to get out of bed AGAIN?" sense. He is starting to talk lots, especially to the two toys he is currently bashing about. He has a great smile, but a better smirk. He looks like nobody we know.

Talia meanwhile is easing out of toddlerhood and into whatever comes next. She talks a LOT. She sings even more. She knows the last word of every line of "If I Had a Boat" by Lyle Lovett (Jimmy Buffett version of course) and we do that duet several times a day. She can recognize all the letters in the alphabet and knows several colours but prefers to call most of them red or green. She counts "one, two, five, six." She likes crayons and books and baths.

There is so much more but the shine is wearing off the playmat for young Nate. Maybe I'll remember to do this again sometime.

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