Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Kids

Yep, they're now 'the kids'. Cause we're now a family. I wanted to write a lot about this, but I'm tired and out of steam to say nothing of out of creativity, but here are some pics and videos from the last month or so.

Talia "sharing" her crib with Nate.

Talia's first pigtails. They are SO cute on her and we'll keep practicing so that it doesn't look like our pet monkey put them in.

Nate hanging in the Bumbo chair. He's not quite up for it, but we'll keep at it. This is his regular serious and thoughtful face, but if you chat with him for a bit he comes up with some pretty great smiles.

This is footage I caught of Talia reading Dolly a story. It was supercute. Usually if she sees the camera, she tries to come look at the pictures I'm taking so I get a lot of footage of her coming towards me to steal the camera. This was fun to see her so involved in her 'job'.

This is a terrible video of Nate playing in his bouncy seat. I will try harder to get better shots of him, but for now, it's a hint of the greatness that is the Natester.

This is T trying out her new "bike". There are several hilarious-to-Mummy-&-Daddy moments including her ongoing use of the word 'sorry' instead of excuse me. And without spoiling the end, how cute is she??? I mean really....

I hope to one day soon have time to write down some of my deeper thoughts and thinkings about this time in life. For now we will all have to live with this cheating version of a baby book and hope that I get back to those thoughts again someday.

1 comment:

the Sanguinettis said...

So nice to see pictures of "the kids" again! I love Talia's "bike" - it looks much more stable than many other models.
We'll have to get together again so we can see how everyone is growing and changing, and how we as parents are adjusting to life with kids (plural).