Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm One!!

Today my sweet girl is one! One whole year since she arrived. Such a lovely year, really. It has gone really quickly and nice and slowly all at the same time.

I remember thinking when I was pregnant with her that she was a funny girl, and she really is turning out to be a jokester. She laughs a lot and enjoys a good trick or two. She likes to dance and sing, either along with music or just all on her own. Our friends in Roots of Empathy all say she is very adventurous and I think that's probably true - she is a climber and a tryer-outer of all things. I think she probably gets that from her dad.

She is still an avid crawler and not too keen on walking yet. She is so efficient crawling that i can't really blame her - walking must seem like a terrible hassle. I don't worry about it too much except when I have to clean her shoes and put her back in pants with holes in the knees.

To celebrate her birthday, we had a family celebration on Sunday with Grandma and Grandpa Johnson, Grandma and Poppa, Auntie Barb and Kenny and Caitlynn and Uncle Terry, Auntie Chelsea and baby Ellie. Quite lovely as it turns out. Then today, the actual day, we went into her room together this morning for first cuddles. Daddy told her the story of the day she was born and then they had breakfast. Later that morning, we went swimming with Cezanne and Bjorn and then she went to spend a few hours with Grandma while Mummy had a pedicure! When we got home, there was a brand-new pool in the living room and a card from Daddy (apparently, he wants all the glory?). And then tonight, dinner at the White Spot in honour of the White Spot burgers we had after she was born which was in honour of the White Spot burgers my mum had after I was born.

And now the photos. These are from her birthday party.

Today she is one. Tomorrow, one and a bit. Love it!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Im guessing that Chelsea had baby Ellie, which is a girl. Yeah.