Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Lessons

1. Sweet Potatoes do not require as much time in the microwave as regular potatoes.

2. I should probably always live with 2 firefighters so that the likelihood of one being available to extinguish any fires I may or may not set is increased.

3. A fire in a microwave makes that microwave unusable. Every time.*

4. Do not run for help leaving 1 year old daughter alone in home with burning household appliance. Scott was really insistent about this one.

* This lesson is actually a repeat from my last pregnancy when I managed to light Red River cereal on fire in the microwave. We are now at one microwave per pregnancy. Scott says this is why we're only having 2 kids.


katiecoffee said...

oh man, you make me laugh out loud! a sweet potato caught your microwave on fire?!! Seriously, what are the chances? And I think it's good that you left T there - because it will build her up to not fear the flame like you do.

Hahahahahahaha... so funny. A Sweet Potato!!!!

Denise said...

I'm with Katie -- it's the perfect Father's Day story! And I seriously doubt that Talia would have picked up any of your hysteria... Well, maybe a little. Hahahaha.

coolmama said...

LOL!!!that is hilarious!!!Thanks for the birthday wishes. Hope to see you soon!! Take care!