Sunday, June 15, 2008

I love Father's Day! What a nice day to remember what a good gift my daughter has in her dear old dad. I have said before that I have never really worried about whether or not Scott would be a good father - you just kind of know he would watching him live his life. But I truly had no idea how great a father he would turn out to be.

Partly it's the practical stuff. He just does it all (why does this surprise me? I knew he could, I just didn't think he would...) He does diapers and every single bath time and most bedtimes. He gets up often in the night (happily, this is required less often these days), and does wake up as often as he's home to do it. He changes outfits and chooses meals and packs a mean diaper bag for excursions out. He tells goodnight stories about dream bunnies and sings Jimmy Buffet hits and rocks out in the car.

But mostly, it's the lovely other stuff. He laughs at her jokes, and snuggles her up. He always says, Hello Talia! as he walks in the door and scoops her up for a big hug. He tells her he loves her and how special she is, every night. He delights in who she is, all the time. What could be a better thing for a dad to do for a daughter?

It is a wonderful thing to watch these two love each other. It is truly a very Happy Father's Day for Talia and me.

A few photo hits from this last year...

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