Saturday, April 05, 2008

My Feet Don't Touch

A cloudy Saturday morning is as good a time for a cry as any, isn't it? I just watched my daughter fall asleep and it made me teary. Go figure. I guess every once in a while I feel up close just how dear she is. Dear, like expensive. Like worth a lot. Like treasured.

Oh, that was a good cry. I just deleted a paragraph of thought on that because it was just too private and vulnerable, and some of this just has to be mine. But it good to every once in a while realize my feet don't touch the bottom of this deep ocean of love that we all swim in*. The moments when we remember we can float in it are so sweet...

My girl is of course, lovely. This week she started clapping. She thinks it is VERY funny to clap and then blow kisses. Somehow they are tied together in her mind because she rarely does one without the other. And she does neither on command. They seem to be spontaneously triggered by what, I don't know. But suddenly it will cross her mind, "you know, I can clap - can I still do it? oh yeah - man, this is funny stuff," and then she is clapping and laughing away. Such a nut. She has also started pointing to show things she wants, mostly at mealtimes. We sign to her in the hopes that sooner or later she'll get a bit more specific, but since I only know the sign for "food" generically and "water", really I don't know how helpful that's going to be.

Also, after weeks of sleeping through the night, she has started to wake up ravenous in the middle of the night. She had given up on rice cereal lately so we believe that she's just not getting as full during the day as she used to and she's probably also having a growth spurt. So today I am going to be shoveling calories into her. Big smears of cream cheese on the bagel this morning, another attempt at rice cereal for lunch and then noodles and turkey meatballs for dinner. We'll see how it works. Katie sent a great cookbook of yum baby meals so we're trying some of those out too. Here's hoping she gets full again though. I REALLY like sleeping all night.

That is Talia at 10 months. Love it. Love it, love it, love it.

*This may be one of my favourite things I've ever written. Huh.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I love to read about Talia's new things she is doing, like clapping and air kisses. It's just amazing to see how much little ones progress in only ten months. And your quote was so touching...and here I thought the asterisk was to point out who said it! Also can't believe she eats and sleeps semi-normally. It gives me hope for the future :)

-Liz, a.k.a. Kate's frazzled cousin living on three hours of sleep a night