Sunday, April 03, 2011

Agreeing With Me

This week I took a class on Roberts' Rules of Order.  Mostly as a favour to the other people on the committee I'm on.  It turns out there really are ways to do things like run meetings that are Helpful and Better than me just doing what I want.  I know, I was shocked too.

Also in this class was a fellow citizen who chairs another committee that I'm not on.  He seemed smart and clever enough.  He was wearing an engineers' ring, you know the one they all wear on their pinky? The secret engineering code ring that tells all the other Oddly-Good-At-Math folk out there that they too are Oddly Good At Math.

Of course I had to start musing.  It occured to me that really and truly, the only reason for the ring is to establish solidarity with other ring wearers.  Not unlike gold cross necklaces on women everywhere or those little fish bumpery-sticker things.  Or the Darwin fish for that matter.  All over the place, little hints of clubdom, of groups to belong to.

And then I remembered writing about being pretty hopeful that heaven would be full of Belonging here.  So I went back and read what I wrote and was heartened to know that it was still true.

So now I am thinking about how I can give out Belonging to others because maybe that's a bit of making earth as it is in Heaven.  I don't think I'll be very good at it, but I think it's something I might be willing to learn how to do.  At the very least, I want to get really good at doing it for my kids.  I want our family to be the place they're sure they belong. It's difficult on a day when I've whispered in my daughter's ear as she screamed her way through the park, "You've ruined this whole day!"  But here's hoping that grace prevails and she mostly remembers the part where our home is her Home.  Always.

I'm really glad there's that verse in the bible that says something like Nothing's impossible with God.  Or is that an inspirational poster with a kitten and ball of wool on it ...


Karen Haugland said...

Are these ring wearing engineers and gold cross wearing Christians anything like those firefighter folks who put the firefighter sticker on all their vehicles to show they belong? I knew this chick once who announced her engagement to a firefighter by emailing out a picture of the firefighter sticker on "her" car. Showing that she belonged.
Anything like that?

ACJ said...

JUST like that! Lord, I hope I didn't imply I'm somehow above the Belonging gig... I'm held slave to it most days. Most of my life is a testament to Efforts to Belong.

Karen Haugland said...

Not above, of course. Just pointing out that you DO belong! Belonging to my eclectic circle of friends deserves some sort of spastic symbol of belonging as well . . .hmmm have to think on that. anyway - your life efforts are fulfilled as you belong to many a fine places and groups ring, cross, sticker or not!