Wednesday, March 02, 2011

You Know What's Stupid?

Other people, that's what.

Oh, and me.

I got in another FB fight this week with some yahoo-kooky-lefty-commie-pinko-Christian type.  You know the kind - God cares about the poor, so we should too...? Yeah, I know.  We don't even disagree. All that much. But in his defence of the poor he was just kind of, I don't know, assholey.  And so of course instead of just skipping right to Bejewelled Blitz, I had to interfere in his little verbal fist-fight with a Right Wing Whacko and point out that probably God cared less about the American worker than about Christians being kind to each other.

Well, YKLCPC-type decided to continue ranting and point out that I was not only wrong but also Canadian and should just take my health care and go home.  Did I stay out of it at that point? No, because I'm a moron. I told him he hurt my feelings, and that maybe it's a bit gross to consider the American worker "the poor" in a global sense.  He responded that I was "insensitive".  And wrong.

So screw you wacko - I've got a BLOG!

Petty? yes.  Right? probably not. So bothered? for shizzle.

I hate it when people disagree with me, especially about Kingdom shit. Because while I don't think any of our theology matters all that much and that it makes God kind of chuckle when we act like it does, it's all mystery, we see through a glass darkly and all that -- while I am aware of all that, in my secret heart of hearts, I am pretty sure God thinks I'm right. About all of it. 

Oh dear.

And this is why I need salvation.  Because my heart's desire is not that I agree with the Lord, but that the Lord agree with me. If that isn't the definition of sin, I don't know what is.  And so I go back to my prayer that I came up with somewhere back there in Advent: "Lord, make me willing."  That's all I've got. 

Well, that and the hope that YKLCPC-type gets a message from the Lord that he's an asshole.


Karen Haugland said...

FB is a great fight arena. Poor Guy, he cannot see the GIANT "Dont Fuck with me right now" aura that you are wearing. You could have at least updated your fb pic to show the aura.
I support you.
Must be the Moon phase . . .today I took it all out on the Peace Arch News and White Rock Mayor for daring to prune trees in our park. I've got my crazy on too.
PS - you were probably even right.

Katie P. said...

People are really spoiling for fights right now. I had three crazy conversations last week. I don't get it. Actually, I do: the economy, the revolutions, the (we hope) end of winter, each of our own personal heartbreaks. Lots of tension, and lots of need to hold each other gently right now.

Listening to Hardliner by Holcombe Waller is helping me right now:

You don't have to be perfect
you don't have to play well
you don't have to fix everything
all by yourself

don't laugh
cause it just might be the soft curve in your hard line

JennOh said...

My brother (a pastor) has always wanted to get the bumper sticker, "Jesus loves you, but I think you're an asshole". Maybe it would suit the occasion.

ACJ said...

"Don't laugh cause that just might be the soft curve in your hard line."

I love this Katie.