Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Few Good Women

There is no shortage of deficits in my life. No deficit of deficits I suppose. The writing you find here is often an ode to a deficit most days, an investigation into what current want or need is making me miserable. A wandering through the fields of Not Enoughness.

But I am rich beyond all measure in one particular direction: Good Friends. Not a day goes by that one of the women in my life makes my life just a tiny bit better, just by showing up.  On Facebook, by email, on the phone, over coffee, in the yard, at the park... somewhere, somehow, someone is reminding me that God must secretly like me best. I know the smartest, funniest, wisest, kindest, catty-est, snarkiest, giving-est, genuine-est women around. It shocks me. Shocks me that I know them, shocks me more that some of them seem to like me back.

You reading this know that you are one of those women. If you write, your writing has fed me and left me feeling less alone in the world.  If you phone, your timeliness has made me remember that somehow the Creator of the whole planet is also watching my small heart. If you've visited, your presence has been my comfort and my joy.

Thank you. Each of you. And especially you.


Navigating Madre said...

How you are so effortlessly eloquent is beyond me. But i am more than blessed to know you, too. That God really seems to know what He is doing, eh?

Nadia said...

I'll just assume this includes me...and say....ditto.