Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Splish Splash

So first time out at the pool - quite fun! Scotty was in charge of the dipping part and I did the changing and the photography.

She was initially a bit clingy with Dad, but mostly because of the noise I think - the pool is quite echo-y. But it didn't take long for her to get into her groove and try out all of her previously-in-the bath-only moves. Lots of kicking and duck-chasing mostly. She also got dunked a few times and seemed none the worse for it. She is clearly her father's daughter, not at all fazed by the change in water temperature going from the family hot tub to the pool and back a couple of times.

She also succeeded in charming the pants off of several old ladies in the dressing room. Well, they may have already been pant-less but she was charming nonetheless.

Now I'm madly looking up 'how to teach your baby to swim' online so that we can be a bit more productive next time out. And hopefully next time out, Mummy will join in the fun too!

And now for the post-swim sleep effect - fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Kate said...

I miss her! And you of course :) But really, could she be any cuter? I can't wait to get to know her little personality. OK, how sad am I that really had never considered not taking a class and actually just taking her to the pool solo.... I guess we could do that too! Will let you know.