Monday, December 03, 2007

It's All Gone Now

Today it rained and rained and rained, so all the snow is gone. But yesterday and the day before that it snowed and snowed and snowed. We hibernated inside the first day but the second day we ventured out of doors for Talia's first snow.

We were going to go up to Beans for coffee. It's about 4 blocks north. 3 blocks west. Let's call that a fifteen minute walk. However, one must multiply the 15 minutes by the windchill factor and the snow coming down when deciding how far a distance it truly is. By the end of our block, I had decided that it was too far. Scott however, was sure it was just right. I will not go over the details of the conversation but suffice it to say that I Birthed Her always trumps You're Raising a Pansy, and we only went as far as Starbucks. Who was right? I'll let you be the judge. This photo was taken 4 houses down.

1 comment:

Kate said...

OK. I need you to know that I becoming very dependent upon your blog. I check it every morning. And this morning I am just cracking up. Thank you for posting all these little stories! Poor Talia, what a survivor :) I think it would be quite funny if Scott posted parallel versions of all these 'incidents' on his own blog.