Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Good, the Bad & the Broccoli

Adventures in baby food continue. Broccoli on Thursday night and roasted sweet potato on Saturday night and rice with pear and a banana tonight. We went back to plain because while Sweet T did indeed LOOoove the broccoli and the sweet potatoes, both nights after she ate them, she slept really poorly, waking at 10ish quite inconsolable and quite unlike herself. I do not know for certain of course, whether or not the foods and the sleep are connected, but I think we will back off nonetheless.

I am also confused about how much she should be eating, and how often and feel like this is just one new area of parenting that I am fucking up. Friday, I half-heartedly tried giving her some rice cereal and some banana after the broccoli fiasco but she didn't eat it and I didn't try later cause I was busy doing something else like watching TV or something. The tonight she ate TONS and I hadn't offered anything all day... again, a combination of lazy and afraid after last night.

Oh well, we'll just keep on keeping on and see what happens. But she does love that broccoli...

1 comment:

Kate said...

My dear friend. In response to your fear that this is another thing you are doing wrong in motherhood. Well, I roll my eyes and quote you(as I totally agree with what you said, and obviously know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are not fucking this up):

"I don't know how much food she gets either, but we're believing that this phase of eating is mostly for pleasure so I'm not worrying too much about it."

btw - I have heard that when some mom's eat broccolli that their milk then causes a lot of gas. Are our ones past the gas phase? This is likely an urban myth. But, heck, maybe its true. And maybe your motherly insticts are just perfect on holding off on some type of foods to help her sleep :)