Sunday, November 11, 2007

What Good News Looks Like

I'm in a mood, have been for a day or so now, milestones be damned. Who can explain these things? I would prefer not to be, would prefer to be happy or at least not ... this. But whatever. It's that kind of day.

One thing that encouraged me though, was seeing Jolie taking her compost out. I wasn't so much encouraged by her green-ness, or her industriousness. Just by knowing she was there, living her life with her family - that was good news.

Here is the view from my back stairs:

Hmm. I hope Jolie and Andy don't see this photo - they might be worried. But it doesn't really look this grim in real life. To me, it always looks inviting and warm and fun and familiar and a bunch of other good things. I probably look over there five or 6 times a day in winter and 3 or 4 times that often the rest of the year. Just to see if they're there. Just to remember that if I need tomatoes, or a joke, or someone to check my pregnancy test, they're right there.

So today, in the midst of my mood, it was good news to know that if it gets bad, if it gets to the point where I can't step one foot further, I just have to lean out the back door and wail and probably someone over there will notice. Isn't that good news? I think so.

I wish good news made a bigger difference though.

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