Saturday, November 17, 2007

More Firsts

Hmm. Well, the sleeping through the night was short-lived. I will not tell the whole story, but suffice to say I am blaming others, but hold some hope still that it could happen again one of these days. Perhaps the teething is lingering though? The last several nights, sleep has been very disturbed and as a result, Scott and I are becoming increasingly disturbed. Not as in 'bothered' but as in 'should be committed'. This too shall pass, right?

Despite the poor sleep, our girl remains a content and easy-going gal during the day. The last few days, Scott & I have been able spend non-nap hours playing all manner of fun games. Highlights include pass with the big red ball, being gobbled up by Daddy, shoulder rides and I Wish I Could Crawl which usually ends with whining. Talia also thinks a yawning face is hilarious but is quite upset by Daddy's low honking sound when she grabs his nose. Happily, it only took Scott half-a-dozen attempts to confirm that it really truly does upset her before he quit doing it. Aaahh, parenting together.

Oh, and she rolled over back to tummy yesterday! Big milestone, although completely accidental, and probably not to be repeated for a while. Still, it was fun to see.

All these moments are so wonderful though. They just make my heart glad. They embody goodness in the truest sense. Things are good in the Johnson Home these days, teething and night-waking notwithstanding. Sometimes when I am negotiating sleep with her, I forget for a moment how sweet it is. And that's probably okay. Because I just love that I am noticing how sweet it is the rest of the time. Really, most of the day, I just love this. Love this stage of our lives together. What a wonderful surprise that is. What good blessing.

But enough of the gush, now for the mush. With all this night-waking I decided we were eating solid foods this morning. Ha! She is interested for sure. In the spoon. Brown rice, not so much. Although the photos don't show this so much, she is a very clear non-verbal communicator so there was no misunderstanding her opinion on the experiment. Perhaps we'll try again next week? In the meantime, I'm pouring formula down her throat after every feeding. She will sleep again. Unless it's the damned teeth. Then I'm screwed.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I love the attempt at eating, and do notice that your non-spoon hand is very busy keeping her hand down... can only imagine the mess of having spoons knocked out of your hand all the time.

Very disconcerting to hear that the night sleeping has not taken off. As we are following your footsteps pretty closely, I have been looking forward to it!