Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What Must Be Done

There is nothing to do than that which must be done. That's one of the truisms of adulthood and on the day that that which must be done is hard, it's a truism that sucks.

Today has to be hard. Today had fillings in it for one of the kids and so I sat in the hallway and cried while a kind man filled a couple of the many holes in that kid's mouth. There was nothing to do but get it done, but the doing was hard - there is no sedation offered mothers (a short-coming of the system I suggest). I'm tired now.

Today has Phase 2 grief in it over the fire trucks. Or is it Phase 97? Not sure, but today is the day after learning the first option, and that means today is sad because the first option sucks. It just does. It wouldn't have mattered too much what that option was - it was destined to suck, and therefore today was destined to suck. There's nothing to do but live with the truth that option A sucks and probably it's going to be a few days or weeks or months before option B and C and D make themselves known, before we know whether or not they suck too. Before we trip across the option that does not suck, that brings life.

On days like today, I am tempted to try to create things to do that do not suck. That are not hard. That don't make me cry.

But another truism of adulthood is that the hard days won't leave you alone. Until you make space for them, they'll just keep tapping on your shoulder, demanding to be borne. They can be delayed, but they can't be avoided.

So today I'm all in on doing what must be done. I'm going to cry a lot and indulge in the bleaks. And in the morning, maybe that which must done will be smile-making, joy-giving. Or maybe it will be plain. Don't know. I'll do it then.

1 comment:

Navigating Madre said...

Hello. I am back. Feeling the need to blog...might start my next blog with this. Anyhow, give the child some fish oil and probiotics. Can help slow loss of enamel. Have had this issue. I agree. hard to swallow.