Saturday, September 22, 2012

Stupid Kids' Worship Music

Oh boy. Nothing makes me want to write like crap theology, and nothing has more crap theology than kids' worship music. Actually, I think just the phrase "worship music" might be crap theology even.

Probably I'll write a lot about this soon.  Maybe on October 1st.  NvK has said she might start back in and if she does, I might.  I'm a follower like that.

For now I'm just going to rant in my head about how hard it is to parent in faith when faith is a big grey mess and small brains need lots of black and white.  Those fundies may have known what they were doing after all, huh?  A little For Sure would be a real help at a time like this.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I was so happy to see you in my inbox. And, I am so curious to hear what you have to say . . . it's a topic on my mind, too! xo!