Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love is What You Bring With You

I have been trying to decide what to do with my life.  Again.

For a while, I was considering the Dream That Could Not Be Named, but as a decision became required, it became clear that there was no Yes for this dream yet.  Maybe it even became clear that the dream wasn't actually The Dream after all.

So this got me thinking about how maybe I ought to give some space and time to looking a bit more carefully at the dream and making sure I understood exactly where I was being called by said Dream.  Maybe I had almost shown up at the wrong location...

Within days of the deadline passing for What I Thought Might Be The Dream, I found myself mid-femur deep in my Occupy Me obsession and I now find myself wondering if perhaps I've arrived at the right house. 

Last night in our sweet small group, as we read 1 John (Lord, why is the Bible such a mess? who can follow that thing?), I heard over and over that love is where we should be and what we should be doing.  And one thing that is new for me is that my new "passion" (I just can't do it yet...) fills me with some kind of Love-Like experience.  I can't quite explain it, but as I think about how hard it is to make a change or two that might hint at the Kingdom coming, The Will being done on earth as it is in Heaven, I find myself full of love for me and for every other person I know who thinks it's probably just too hard, but wants to try to anyway.  And then I think I might even love God and want to talk more to the Creator of all things and the bringer of the Kingdom who may or may not be hanging out in this house where I think The Dream might live.

It's a new and surprising turn of events, but it is lovely and good and I'm going to try to live in it.  And keep trying to remember to pack a bit more Love in my bag everytime I visit The Dream.  Because I think that's the point, no matter what happens to the dream.  That we just keep adding a bit more love.


Sarah said...

Amen! I like to try to pack an extra carry on (screw the charge for more than one piece of luggage) in case I don't have enough love in my pockets and my purse. Because I'm often not. Lovely post, as always. I do, however, wish you wouldn't speak in so much CODE. If I could stoop with you, would I understand the code? :)

Sarah said...

I meant to say, "Because I often don't." But I'm sure you knew that. :)

ACJ said...

Sarah, you didn't get the decoder ring? Weird. I was so sure I mailed it.

For a code breaker, feel free to email - some things I can't bring myself to write down, never mind write on the world-wide web. And then of course, visit the other blog and you'll trip over the new passion. I'm curious about your thoughts.

Katie P. said...

I read this yesterday. It made me happy:

This place where you are right now
God circled on the map for you
- Hafiz