Thursday, July 03, 2008

Canada Day Milestones

Wowza. Three in one day. And a national holiday at that. What a girl.

So, first thing, she took 6 steps in a row by herself. Now technically, this a repeat of a trick done on June 28th, but only Scott saw that one so of course it didn't count. Sadly, he was at work on Tuesday and didn't witness this version, so technically it doesn't count either. Ergo, if anyone asks, no she still isn't walking.

Okay, then later in the day we were having dinner at mom and dad's and she ate turkey. Again, something she's done before but I have been feeling quite failure-y about feeding this girl, particularly in the protein/iron department and the meat eating has been very... intermittent? at best. Karen has suggested several times a thick cut of deli meat cut into strips and I have resisted - surely deli meat is a terrible, terrible thing? But alas, I saw organic roast turkey in the Save-On deli counter and decided that since Karen has been right about most things, perhaps I should give it a try. And of course, she LOVES it. Has had it at dinner 3 nights in a row. Between that and the dried apricots and raisins, I think we've got the iron counts covered.

And then finally, my girl signed for the first time. Now we are a bit... let's call it lazy? about signing. Scott is much better at it than I am but we've been at it since she started eating with the basics - please, thank you, more. I had heard that you could expect babes to start picking it up as early as 8 months, maybe more like 10 or 11. So here we are at 13 months with NOTHING. And then came out the bowl of watermelon... and voila, the girl can sign 'more'. Witness the cuteness below.

1 comment:

Denise said...

It's not as if we didn't already know she was advanced, Alison. The truly bright ones always do things slightly later... They're thinking about options and free will, and resist the tackiness of doing things 'early.' Trust me on this.