Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mother's Day, Sailpast and Almost One

Well, this first photo is mostly meant to note Scott's awesome sailor look for Sailpast at the yacht club this year. The jacket and collar looked hot but were quickly replaced with fleece and gortex once the wind came up and the sailing got serious. It was quite the adventure, with Scott single-handing the boat in at least 15 knots of wind, and me holding on to T. while we heeled over a good 45 degrees... remember how we're going to tether her in? Yeah, still got to get that set up.

At the end of it all, it was a great adventure and Talia was just fine, even in the cold and the wind and with all the sail noise. Hopefully next year, she can help her dad with the tacking...

While we haven't yet got the harness and eye-hook with which to tether her in, we did find a convenient spot to stow her while tidying up and getting food ready. She didn't seem to mind TOO much...

For Mother's Day, my daughter and husband let me choose where to go for breakfast, so we went to WHITE SPOT! Don't ask, it just sounded good. And it was! We had Eggs Benedict and a whole carafe of orange juice and Talia was charming to the server and ate her toast and banana. It was a really nice start to the day, followed by lunch with Scott's Mum and dinner with my Mum. All the mum's got celebrated and it was just plain nice.

Finally, this last cute picture was taken by Cezanne. That's Bjorn in the background - he has been over a few times to play in the yard with us and it is quite funny watching these two "play" together. It is mostly a toy management exercise but thankfully we have very few to choose from so the negotiations aren't too complicated. That said, expect to see a massive toy development program implemented soon. Talia has become very toddler-y quite suddenly and not having things for her to do makes it difficult to keep her from doing the things she ought not to do. Like play with Windex and climb up on the fireplace and pull the keys off the computer.

Talia will be one in less than a week. She is still an avid crawler who clearly thinks walking is for chumps. She will humour me for about 4 steps if I try to walk her somewhere before dropping to her knees and taking off on her own. She has recently mastered climbing up on things and made quite an adventure out of getting from the floor to the ottoman to the pinnacle of the coffee table.
She is also very chatty and in the last month seems to have transitioned from babbling to very purposeful word-making. She has very distinct words for 'ball', 'baby', 'banana', 'doggie', 'daddy', and 'grandma' (which it turns out is "mum-mum" - I'm trying not to take it personally). Probably a few more but I don't remember them.

This weekend is the birthday "party" and I mean that in the loosest way possible. And then just 2 days after that, my girl is one...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Eleven Months In

Well, the ear infection seems to be mostly better and the croupy gasping at night I'm assured is nothing to worry about. It's good I like my doctor so much because I've sure seen lots of her.

Today was a play date with Bjorn and Cezanne. Bjorn is about 2 months younger than T. but we're getting to the point where it's a lot less noticeable. I wouldn't say they play well together, but they have yet to seriously injure each other, so that's a good sign. Mostly "play" consists of Talia grabbing whatever her friend has or alternately grabbing at their person and harassing them. Oddly, Bjorn wasn't so keen on all this "play" and found ways to escape his new "friend".

Is it too soon to get her into counselling for being a bully?

Good thing she is cute though. A few pics for your enjoyment. Kate.