Thursday, September 20, 2007

About Talia

Poor girl. All I write about is me, me, me. She'll grow up with no notes about her, aside from how her "herness" impacted my "meness". Good grief. Some kids have education funds - T is going to have a counselling fund!

So a few notes about Talia Grace at 3 and a half months.

Talia's first smile was at 3 and a half weeks, a big wide gummy one and she has been smiling lots ever since. Her best smiles are for whoever gets her out of bed in the morning. She also has lots of smiles for Mummy and Daddy and Grandma. Well, to be honest, she'll smile for just about anybody. A bit indiscriminate with her cheer actually. It's sure nice.

She cries mostly when she doesn't get her way and on her way to sleep. She has several distinct cries including, "I'm Over Here", "Are You Kidding Me? I'm Still Waiting", "Why Can't I Have That One?", "I'm SOooo Tired", "You're Such an Idiot" and "Please Watch My Head". Happily, her noise-making has expanded beyond the crying variety, and she talks away, often. She likes to sing along when sung too, and favourite songs are currently "If I Had a Boat" (the Jimmy Buffett version) and "Amazing Grace" at bedtime.

She is very confident on her tummy and started rolling from her tummy to her back about 2 weeks ago. She plays long and often in her bouncy chair and will happily spend time in her Bumbo chair, although it seems to wear her out a bit more quickly. Not long though until she is complete master of her neck and then game on, as they say. Game on.

She sleeps from about 7:30 until 8 the next morning, waking once or twice in that time to eat. She is still having 3 and a half naps at 3 and a half months - I hope that changes soon, but for now she is mostly well-rested and that is probably part of why she's so darned happy. The good news is I trained her to fall asleep in her crib, on her own. The bad news is, she is reluctant to fall asleep anywhere else. Next week we'll try a couple of naps at Grandma's in her bassinet to remind her there are other sleep options in the world.

Talia has been a delight from day 1. Any difficulties we've had with her have had more to do with our own issues and expectations - she has put up with a lot of craziness already in her short life (Note to Remember for Next Time: you really can't spoil a newborn and eating is more important than a schedule at the beginning). We are so thankful for her and keep looking at each other, wondering how we managed to get the best one. Too wonderful, she is.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I'm smiling as I read. What a deep pleasure it is in my heart to read about Talia and you and Scott. And it's all still such a surprise, so unexpectedly wonderful...