Oh my. Six months old this boy. Well, tomorrow he is, but lord knows if I will remember tomorrow, so I'm typing while the typing is good.
Six months. What is Nate like now? Much as he was at the beginning. He's a mellow kid who has a smile and laugh that make you want to do the same. As I said recently in an email to a group of fellow Mums, he's eating like Jesus is coming back, throwing back sweet potatoes and pears and oatmeal and like a second-born, bagels & arrowroot cookies. Someone asked if he was sitting up yet, and I realized I had no idea because I hadn't actually given him an opportunity to try. Oops. This week he is sleeping decently, waking up usually once sometime around 2 or 3, and then up for the day at 6 if I'm lucky, at 5 if it's a normal day. I am VERY looking forward to dark evenings and 8:00am sunrises. He is very amused by any singing and by his sister who is only just lately interested in playing with him. And I use the term 'with' loosely.
Talia is very two, and probably if I wasn't living with her, I would appreciate it more. While she throws around "no!" like a sullen teenager, she much prefers "I don't want to" and more infuriatingly, "I don't have to." Oh. My. Word. It is crazy-making and I am not yet equipped to parent it, but I'm letting myself off the hook and deciding I can take a few weeks to figure this one out.
She has moved into her 'big girl bed' and plans are afoot to move young Nate into her now-vacated crib. I am hoping that my 2 mostly-adaptable children will make this transition much more easily than I am expecting. It could happen, couldn't it?
This is Talia with her after-bath crazy hair. This was obviously taken a few months ago, back when it was cool enough to justify fleece pajamas, but the crazy hair itself hasn't changed much.
I have nice kids. In most situations, I like them best and am so glad I get to be a mum to them. Which is good, because I am also mostly exhausted all the time. Nate's current sleep pattern gives me hope for making it through the end of the year, but for a time there, he was up 4 or 5 times a night and I was becoming murderous. There is a reason why our bodies were designed to start having kids at 13 - when else can we live on so little rest??
There is probably much more to be typed but I am almost out of naptime and want one more snack and task done before they both wake up and we jump into the last half of the day.
But six months. It really does fly, just like they say...